Washington, September 15, (EFE)- The exhibition “Light of Spain : Sorolla from American Collections” will open at Meadows Museum Dallas on Sunday next week and run until January 7, 2020. It features about thirty works by Joaquin Sorolla (1963-1923), which are part of private American collections.
This exhibition spans several decades of Sorolla’s artistic career, starting with a painting from his very early years, “Female Nude From The Back” (c.1886), which he painted when only 23-years-old in Rome, and ending with “Details from the Garden of the Sorolla House”, made just two years prior to the stroke which permanently ended Sorolla’s painting career.
There are two distinct sections for the works of sea: one for the work of Valencian artist’s passion for candles, and another for the nudists. There is also a section dedicated to children playing on the beach, and a third devoted to landscapes.
Meadows Museum is the largest American museum dedicated to Spanish art. Its collection includes works by Sorolla, as well as private collections.
The museum said that 27 of the works displayed are private North American collection, 4 from Meadows Museum, and one from a Spanish private collection on loan to the Museum.
A selection of Sorolla’s drawings, from private and public collections at the Meadows Museum is also presented.
This exhibition is curated by Blanca Pons-Sorolla – the great-granddaughter of this artist. It’s part of a program organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Spain in celebration of “Sorolla Year”, which marks the 100th anniversary of his death and includes over 30 international exhibitions.
Sorolla was popular in America because of the American collectors that supported him throughout his life. In 1893, he was awarded the World Columbian Exhibition at Chicago in Chicago with the painting Another Daisy. The first canvas of his to be acquired by an American was “Another Daisy”.
In 1908 Archer M. Huntington, a New York-based art collector, discovered the painting in London, and offered to bring it to New York to be displayed at the Hispanic Society. America in 1909.
Around 160,000 visitors visited the exhibition for one month. It also travelled to Buffalo and Boston. Total of 201 paintings were sold by the artist to private and public collectors. The works covered his favorite themes, including sun-drenched beaches, landscapes and gardens.
The White House, Washington, was the site of a number of portrait commissions. One included President William Howard Taft.
He would return to America two years later, once more under the sponsorship of Hispanic Society of America. This time he exhibited in Chicago and St. Louis, where he again sold many works, and showed American high society.
The curator Pons-Sorolla said that “Sorolla’s success is largely due his brilliant representation of the light, and to the joy his other paintings conveyed. This was exactly what overwhelmed him as he was painting them.” The American public appreciated his passion and enthusiasm for what he was doing, as well as his love of his homeland.
This museum, which was opened to the public by Algur H.Meadows in 1965, houses the largest and most complete collection of Spanish art from 10th century to 21st century. This museum was opened to the public in 1965 with funds from Algur H. Meadows’ collection of Spanish paintings. It houses one of the most extensive and complete collections outside Spain, spanning 10th century art through 21st century.
The property is 9 hectares and contains an outdoor warehouse that houses 30,000 vehicles that were confiscated for various reasons, such as administrative problems or legal issues, or because they were in disuse.
San Agustin Beach Fire
San Agustin fire: 26 000 vehicles destroyed and digital documentation recovered
According to the prosecutor, determining when and how an incident occurred is crucial in identifying those who are responsible. Although the theory that is being circulated tends to think that the incident was intentional, the other hypothesis hasn’t been excluded. If it’s determined to be intentional, he has reported, sentences could reach up to 10 or 15 year prison terms, considering that lives of people were at risk. In the case of recklessness there would be no more than a year’s imprisonment.
Los Andes quoted Marcelo Puertas as saying that the IGS is making progress in its investigation of those involved in the incidents. “We’re gathering evidence. We still don’t have the opinion of the fire department, so we will do a beach inspection this Wednesday. Then we will decide whether to initiate an investigation, and with whom,” explained he.
Families in affected areas are still trying to get back on their feet two weeks after the tragic event. Many families lost their entire lives that day. Many of them suffered health problems as they tried to protect their homes.
According to the City Municipality’s surveys, seven homes have total damages: Three in Alto Mendoza and four in El Libertador. There are also 10 homes with partial damages: 9 in El Libertador and 1 in Alto Mendoza. They also detailed the 28 houses in Libertador, and the 16 in Alto Mendoza, that received roof materials, including membranes, logs and sticks.
Cecilia has lost her home. They only managed to get one more or less room in the condition they prepared to stay. The municipality has offered him to rent the house or to buy one of the modular units they’re building in another neighborhood, but he refuses to move. “I won’t leave because I’m afraid to move out of my home. “I’m not going to leave my house, because I want to keep it.” We are slowly fixing the problem, but we can’t wait for three months to have the IPV fix it,” said he in this newspaper.
Cecilia, a mother from Alto Mendoza, lost her job and everything else she owned in just a matter of hours. He claimed that there was a rotisserie and he also sold handicrafts. All of it burned.
Everyone who is able to lend a helping hand has come together in the home of 10 adults and children. As of now, her children and grandson have stopped going to school. His daughter-in law, who lives in the same house, was also forced to cease studying. They hope to be back to normal by next week.
The neighbors, and even the church that they go to, have been a great help. They have no leftovers, but they are willing to give them beds, mattresses and clothing. The church also donated paint and furniture.
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